Email:recr********* Tel:1885********* Working City:Lianyungang Hits:
Welcome to Recruit4China!
We help Non-Native English teachers and Chinese schools in need of English teachers to find each other!
We are not an agency, since we are-self hosting hiring services, Working Z Business Visas and contracts for Non-Natives.
We have school clients awaiting for teachers!
They offer jobs with...
- 7-12k Salary per Month
- Free Accomodation
- 25 Teaching Hours per Week
We are Currently Inviting English Teachers...
- Who are Western-Looking,
- From Non-Native English Countries,
- With a Good English pronunciation,
- With a Bachelor Degree or above
- Experience is better but not necessary.
- Experience can come from...
- An Internship,
- A Job or
- A Volunteering
To apply with us, please send us your CV, your photo and a 1 minute self-intro video about yourself! Please make a happy, funny, slow talking, smiling video for kids viewers!